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What You Need to Know About Tubis New Film Girls Getaway Gone Wrong (Watch) Celeb Secre

There’s a new movie in town and it’s filled with suspense, drama and mystery!

Directed by Stacia Crawford, Girls Getaway Gone Wrong stars Brittany S. Hall, Tanisha Long, Crystal-Lee Naomi and Jibre Hordges and follows three best friends — Parker, Bailey, and Simone — as they set out for a girl’s weekend that turns deadly when one of them falls for a charming man (David) who may be a dangerous killer.

Celeb Secrets recently sat down with Crystal-Lee Naomi, who plays Simone, and Jibre Hordges, who plays David, where they talked about the flick’s storyline, what went down behind-the-scenes during filming and their most memorable weekend getaway.

Crystal-Lee says Girls Getaway Gone Wrong was filmed in about three weeks and while it was recorded in such short amount of time, the cast members became really close.

“Behind the scenes and off-screen everybody was great friends,” adds Hordges. “Everybody had great chemistry. We hung out and we had so many casts and crew outings. We had fun.”

Check out our exclusive interview below and be sure to stream Girls Getaway Gone on Tubi now.

Don’t forget to let us know what you think of Girls Getaway Gone Wrong by leaving a reaction at the bottom of the post or by sending us a tweet at @CelebSecrets.

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  • Lupe LLerenas

    Lupe LLerenas formerly known as 'Lupe Looove' has built her work around all things entertainment. She loves writing, listening to music and discovering new things. When she's not prepping for an interview, chasing a story on social media or covering an event, you can find Lupe roaming the streets of Los Angeles with her phone in hand. Stay connected with Lupe on all social media platforms @LupeLLerenas.
